This You Can Do It! course provides 6 months of 'unlimited' individual (ZOOM) 20 minute English coaching lessons with me during which time, participants learn how to implement the unique signature system, contained in the book - You Can Do It! El último empujón a tu inglés (now in its second edition), without overwhelm and no matter how busy their schedule.
Who is the program for?
If you are someone who dreams of communicating well in English, and are willing to open your mind to the possibility of being able to do so, by committing to follow a simple method that has proved itself over and over again, then this course will work for you.You will find yourself being transported back to the foundation of English. Like so many before you, you will ask, "Why didn't I ever learn this before?
As we begin to straighten your foundation,you will very quickly see your progress, This motivate you to keep taking the small steps that will bring your English goals closer than you ever believed possible. Soon, you will no longer feel nervous when you are required to participate in English conversations or meetings, and your friends and colleagues will notice. :-)
If you are willing to open both your mind and your mouth (You Can Do It! incorporates both Mindset and Method), to follow the simple steps in this course, you will be amazed at your progress and confidence, long before 6 months has passed. :-)
In fact, you will probably find this to be the only course you will ever need, for you to be the driver of your own progress.
Those who have been on the 'English Journey' for a long time, often tell me they wished they had had this foundation course when they began, and those who are just beginning, make such rapid progress that their peers are amazed! (see testimonials).
Who is the program NOT for?
It is not for anyone unwilling to take personal responsibility for the small action steps required, to make their progress and goals, a reality. Clients’ goals become my goals and I have learned not to spend energy and time, wanting those goals for them, more than they want them for themselves.
How the Program works:
A personal link to my schedule, allows participants to reserve 'unlimited' 20 minute individual English coaching sessions, for a full 6 months. Our initial session is 40 minutes, to get clear on the goal over the next 6 months, and to determine the best first easy step to move toward it.
During each session, we will discuss progress and determine together, what homework needs to be done before the next session.
The next session can be reserved as soon as the homework we have decided on, is done. (The homework may even be done the same day as our call and a new session booked.) The speed of progress is totally up to the participant, and actions are bite-sized to avoid overwhelm.
It is an excellent system to make incremental progress and maintain the personal motivation that comes from seeing results, without the frustration of trying to find those huge blocks of time that you can never find and never will. Additionally, sessions or parts thereof can be recorded and sent out after our call. Any support needed for homework is readily available via email or whatsapp.
If anyone who purchases the course, follows the action steps, and is not happy with their progress at the end of 6 months, I will happily work with them for a further 3 months, at no cost. (Up to now, no one has needed to use this guarantee.)
Want to know more? Simply click the link below to book an obliigation-free zoom chat.